Google Remarketing Strategy: 7 Tips to Plan & Create Growth-Driven Campaigns

As a business owner or marketing professional, it’s important to employ a growth-designed Google marketing strategy. There are many channels you can use to grow your online traffic and conversions, including Google ad campaigns. Here’s what you need to know to run a successful remarketing campaign with Google.

1. Strategically target your audience

List building is a critical aspect of developing a Google remarketing campaign strategy. A remarketing list is a collection of your website visitors. In order to build a list, it’s a requirement to install a tracking beacon so that Google can begin tracking and measuring your audience. Once you have a list developed, you can use it to retarget website visitors based on a variety of targeting options. For example, if your business has a website, your eCommerce marketing strategy can include remarketing to visitors who have yet to purchase goods from your online store.

Pro Tip: In order to effectively market your products, it’s essential that you become aware of who you are marketing your products to. A great way to do this is by conducting effective market research. One approach is to perform market research by giving your customers a survey to fill out after they buy a product from your website. Your market research can give you information about what’s likely to sell, how people find your business, and whether sales are increasing or decreasing.

Additionally, you can use remarketing audience lists to better understand your website visitors – who they are, what they’re interested in, where they originate and more.

2. Ensure that your products can cross-promote one another

If you sell multiple products or offer multiple services, it’s important to make sure that they’re all targeting a similar audience, which will help to ensure that they can cross-promote one another. Many of the most successful companies use the principle of cross-promotion to improve their inbound marketing strategy.

3. Showcase different types of products

Offering a variety of products will allow you to cast a larger net when it comes to your Google remarketing strategy, which could result in more customers for your business. In addition, it’s best to offer products at different price ranges, which will make it possible for your company to reach more people.

It’s best to put each of your products in the spotlight at a different time, which will help to keep potential customers interested in what your business has to offer. In addition, it’s best to regularly debut new products in your ad campaigns.

4. Make sure your Google remarketing ads are responsive

It’s important to make sure that the remarketing ads that you create will be shown to people who will be interested in your products, and you need to take steps to keep your ads from being shown to an audience that’s likely to have a low conversion rate. Luckily, with Google display ads, this is the case. Pay-per-click ads promote successful conversions, since they’ll be shown to people who are looking for certain keywords, which is likely to directly correlate to their interest in your products. Furthermore, it’s essential to ensure that all of the links in your pay-per-click ads work properly.

5. Use location targeting

Location targeting means that you’re only showing your advertisements to people who live in your area, which will help to ensure that your ads will only be seen by people who might buy your products or hire you. Location targeting is utilized by many major companies but is equally important for smaller businesses that need to build a keen local following in order to turn a profit.

6. Make sure that your ads are shown at the right times

In order for your Google ads to be successful, it’s best to schedule them for the times when they’re likely to have the strongest impact. For instance, if you own a restaurant, it’s best to show ads for your breakfast products in the morning and late at night. Also, if you are showing ads that are designed to increase awareness of a certain sale, it’s best to only show these ads while the sale is going on.

7. Create a site that appeals to all visitor types

In order to have an effective Google remarketing campaign strategy, you need to have an easily accessible website that appeals to your potential customers. There are several things that you need to take into account to ensure that your website is as accessible as possible. First, it’s important to make sure that your website runs as fast as possible. Websites that take three seconds to load will only get half as much traffic as one that runs exceptionally fast. Plus, it’s essential to have web pages that clearly communicate your products or services, include lead generation forms, persuasive calls-to-action, and images that help convey your brand.

Are you looking for a Google Remarketing Services agency? Contact Make Your Mark today to see how our expert Google specialists can help you build effective audience lists, create conversion-focused campaigns, and grow your online sales.  

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