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Chatbot Marketing: The Bot That Can Do A Lot
Understanding Chatbots and How They Can Enhance Your Digital Marketing Strategy It’s the early 2000s, and you’re at work, sitting at your desk. You open up Microsoft Word to write up a report, and before you know it Microsoft’s word...
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a human hand touching a cyborg hand representing AI in digital marketing
You, Yourself, and AI
Does it ever feel like the businesses around you are moving faster than you are? You might know about AI, but are you taking full advantage of how it can streamline your business’s marketing? As members of the digital marketing industry,...
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Top Five Digital Marketing Trends For 2022
As you begin to wrap up your 2021 4th quarter campaign goals, you’ve probably given a thought, or two, or more to your digital marketing strategies for 2022. At the center of all marketing efforts is the ability to increase...
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A finger touching a screen displaying AI marketing images
AI and the Future of Digital Marketing
From the smartphones you can’t live without, the chatbots that assist you during a website visit, to the self-driving car Tesla is looking to release, artificial intelligence is everywhere and is a part of our everyday existence. Just as artificial intelligence...
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2021 E-commerce Trends That Should Be on Your Radar
The pandemic hasn’t had many positive ripple effects, except when one looks at e-commerce trends. According to experts, the pandemic of 2020 has launched e-commerce approximately 5 years ahead. This change has caused a shift in buying habits and more....
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2021 Digital Marketing Trends to Put on Your Radar
Planning for the new year begins way before we drink a cup of kindness (or this year a lot of booze) for days of auld lang syne. And while some are counting down the days…minutes…seconds until the Times Square ball...
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A black friday holiday retargeting sale sign
Get Your Holiday Retargeting Right with These Tips
*Updated January 25, 2024 With the Thanksgiving turkey practically on the table, the holiday shopping season is in overdrive, as should be retargeting your holiday digital marketing strategy.  Along with Thanksgiving the most significant dates for the holiday shopping season...
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digital marketing strategies
The Hottest Digital Marketing Strategies of 2019
Digital marketing really hit its stride in 2018, but it shows no signs of slowing down in 2019. In fact, if anything, it seems to be speeding up to the point that it's getting harder to keep up. Let's take...
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