
Influencers and Digital Marketing: The Digital Influencer
We’re here to be the nudge you need to unlock and upgrade the potential of your business’s digital marketing strategies.  How long has it been since you’ve encountered content from an influencer? How many hours, or how many minutes? It...
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Chatbot Marketing: The Bot That Can Do A Lot
Understanding Chatbots and How They Can Enhance Your Digital Marketing Strategy It’s the early 2000s, and you’re at work, sitting at your desk. You open up Microsoft Word to write up a report, and before you know it Microsoft’s word...
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a human hand touching a cyborg hand representing AI in digital marketing
You, Yourself, and AI
Does it ever feel like the businesses around you are moving faster than you are? You might know about AI, but are you taking full advantage of how it can streamline your business’s marketing? As members of the digital marketing industry,...
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What is Digital Strategy
What Is Digital Strategy and Why Do You Need It?
All businesses need an effective digital strategy to increase brand awareness, reach new customers and optimize business processes.  So, what is digital strategy? Digital strategy refers to a company’s approach to the use of technology to increase the growth of...
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How To Increase Website Traffic
One of the goals of any digital marketing strategy should be to increase website traffic and website clicks. Website traffic is important for your business for multiple reasons. Website traffic increases: Brand awareness Potential customers Qualified leads The opportunity to...
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Woman on laptop at coffee shop working on ppc advertising
PPC Advertising Tricks and Tips
As digital marketing continues to shift and grow, businesses and brands are always on the lookout for ways to raise their search visibility and convert more customers. One of the most effective ways to do this is through PPC advertising....
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Nine Ways to Use Data Analytics in Your Business
Data analytics can assist with every facet of your business! This is because digital marketing analysts collect and assess data in order to facilitate decision-making, streamline processes, improve operations, and determine how business goals can best be achieved.  So, what...
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A finger touching a screen displaying AI marketing images
AI and the Future of Digital Marketing
From the smartphones you can’t live without, the chatbots that assist you during a website visit, to the self-driving car Tesla is looking to release, artificial intelligence is everywhere and is a part of our everyday existence. Just as artificial intelligence...
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Digital Marketing Glossary
Have you ever found yourself scratching your head trying to recall what a bounce rate means? Or you’ve wondered what MOFU stands for...
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Tiktok marketing displayed on a phone screen
Teach Me to TikTok
When I first heard rumblings about TikTok and (TikTok marketing), I first thought it was the newest dance. I was all prepared to learn the steps so I could kill it in the club post pandemic and keep up with...
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