Email marketing was one of the first forms of digital advertising, and it’s still one of the most effective ways to reach new customers and connect with previous ones. It’s easy and affordable, but typically provides a great return on investment. If you’re not already using email marketing, now is the perfect time to start and give your business a boost. Here’s why B2C and e-commerce email marketing is such an effective and worthwhile strategy.
It helps customers trust you
Regular email marketing campaigns essentially let you build a relationship with everyone on your email list at one time. Email marketing feels friendly and personal, and when it’s done effectively, it makes the reader feel like they really know you. It also creates an easy channel of communication between you and your customers.
You can keep customers updated as you grow
Email marketing is one of the easiest ways to get the word out when you’re releasing a new product, having a sale on your e-commerce products, or hosting an event. Anytime there’s something exciting to share with your customers, you should be putting out an email about it. Many people might be inclined to shop or interact with you, but just need a little nudge during their busy lives. Even if they don’t open the email, the subject line will put your business at the forefront of their minds and might remind them to shop with you.
You can use email marketing to develop your brand
One of the best things about email marketing is that you have plenty of space to play around with photos and text – much more than say, in an Instagram advertisement or a promotional ad on a website. You can use this opportunity to create a really strong brand identity that consumers will relate to and remember. A strong voice paired with appealing graphics is a great way to show off what makes your company unique. Consumers, particularly younger ones, are drawn to brands with a strong sense of authenticity, so this is crucial for creating that emotional connection with your customers.
Email marketing is fast, affordable, and can be done in large volumes
There are so many email marketing templates and tools that you can use to get started, so it’s a great e-commerce marketing strategy for busy entrepreneurs and business owners. It’s also very affordable, so it’s a good alternative to paying for expensive online ad spaces. You’ll reach hundreds of people at once, and recipients can even view the email on their mobile phone, so it ups your chances of your target audience actually seeing your email.
To get started with email marketing, you’re going to need an email list. There are a few ways to go about this – you can ask customers when they make a purchase, but you should also put a prompt up on your website so that anyone can sign up if they’re interested in your business. You’ll quickly develop a list that you can use to get the word out about exciting new changes in your business.